Tyler H. Chang

Sr. Software Engineer,
Independent Researcher

About Me:

I am currently a Sr. Software Engineer working in EDA. I still do research in numerical optimization and scientific machine learning and maintain open source software independently.

Before that, I was a Postdoc @ Argonne, and I completed my PhD in Computer Science @ Virginia Tech where I developed algorithms and open source numerical software and performed applied research at the interface of numerical optimization, approximation theory, and scientific machine learning.

View my publications on Google Scholar, and check out some of my open-source software below or on GitHub.

For a short biography, click here.


Featured Software:

2023. ParMOO: Python library for parallel multiobjective simulation optimization
Release: 0.3.1
Devs: T. H. Chang (lead), S. M. Wild, and H. Dickinson
Primary Prog. Lang: Python 3

2020. DelaunaySparse: Interpolation via a sparse subset of the Delaunay triangulation
Devs: T. H. Chang (lead), T. C. H. Lux, and L. T. Watson
Primary Prog. Lang: Fortran 2003



Courses Taught

  • Jan 2022 - Present. Adjunct Professor, Intro to Python: College of DuPage, Dept. of Computer and Info. Science
    • Summer 2023. CIS 2531: Introduction to Python Programming (in-person)
    • Spring 2022. CIS 2531: Introduction to Python Programming (online)
  • Jan 2020 - May 2020. Instructor of Record, Data structures and algorithms: Virginia Tech, Dept. of Computer Science
    • Spring 2020. CS 3114: Data Structures and Algorithms (half in-person, half online)

Lecture Notes


Last update: 2024-09-10

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